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Spanish Names of God Advent Calendar

Spanish Names of God Advent Calendar


This is the Spanish version of the Names of God Advent Calendar.

This Advent Calendar is a work of love created by two friends and artists across an ocean in the midst of grief and loss. Each card was hand-painted by Betsy (from Thistles and Biscuits) and hand-lettered by Beth (from Vital Signs by Beth) with a number on the front and a painting and name on the back. There’s an additional scripture card for finding the reference to each name. These cards invite you and your family to dwell each day on the characteristics of God.


While we only sell the digital version of this product, if you would like a physical copy mailed to you, Beth is able to sell it upon request.


This product is also available in English and in German as separate listings in the shop. 


While our educational materials are prepared as non-sectarian, this product is religious in nature, drawn from Christian faith traditions.

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